Web Tech - Wordpress Security: Don't Panic!

What exactly is WordPress cloning and why is it an extremely useful tool? Most people think that this is a dishonest technique for duplicating sites to garner more link traffic and love, and while that may have been true (and useful!) This is an endeavor.

How viable would business or your site be if portions of your database were to simply disappear ? Let us look at what you will need to do to execute fix hacked wordpress cloning, and how it can help your general that is WordPress security that is .

Use strong passwords - Do what you can to use a strong password, alpha-numeric, with upper and lower case and special characters. Easy to remember passwords are also easy to guess!

You must create a new user, before you can delete the default admin account. To do this go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on User -> Create New User. Then enter all the information you need to enter.

Another step to take to make WordPress i loved this more secure is to upgrade WordPress. The main reason behind this is that with every new update there come fixes for security holes that are older which makes it essential to update.

Implementing all of the above will probably take less than an hour to finish, while making your WordPress site more resistant to intrusions. Websites were cracked last year, largely due to easily preventable safety gaps. Have yourself prepared and you are likely to be on the safe side.

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